I currently reside in: Because of my job, I’m lucky enough to call the entire United States my homebase…but when I’m taking a break from traveling, you can find me in San Francisco (Marina & SOMA).
What’s your favorite hangout in SF: Philz Coffee on 4th & King. It has a respectable amount of plaid, Apple laptops & hipster glasses without going over the top. Plus, as a self described coffee snob, Philz has THE best coffee I’ve ever tasted. And I’ve been lucky enough to taste coffee in a ton of different countries. And this is the best. Just sayin’.
I currently work as a: Marketing maven at Doximity, the LinkedIn for physicians. As an ‘after school activity’, I also run a non-profit organization with my friends called Combat Against Cancer. Our mission is to raise money for uninsured cancer patients who aren’t able to pay for the sky high treatment costs.
I do this because: As someone who has spent a crucial part of my life in the hospital, both as a patient and as a researcher, I believe SO much in the healthcare system that I think it shouldn’t have to be weighed down with logistical inefficiencies. I want to help address these issues so physicians & nurses can focus on what they do best: giving patients the best quality of life they can. I’m happy to say that both my job and nonprofit org align with my own vision for the future of healthcare.
What are some Indian traditions you still follow? Not sure if this is a tradition or if it’s just a cultural superstition (or just a regular ‘ol case of OCD) but I touch my head after I touch ANYTHING and ANYONE with my foot…because I think it’s disrespectful. For example: If I accidentally touch my friend’s shin with my foot. I then have to take my right hand and touch their shin and then touch my head. I feel like a lot of people do this…amiright? No? Tough crowd…
Another Indian tradition I LOVE to follow is the culture of hospitality. I enjoy hosting others and I love visiting other Indian families because they always make everyone feel like they’re part of the clan. Chai & nastha for the win.
Bollywood or Hollywood, and why? Hollywood ALL the way. I honestly have only seen 5 Indian movies my entire life and I’m pretty sure all of them had titles that resembled four-letter monograms (DDLJ, KGGG, KKHH, LOLZ)…fine, I made the last one up. I’m not saying I hate Bollywood movies, but I haven’t given them a chance. My favorite film genre is Horror/Suspense & Drama. If anyone has a fabulous Bwood suggestion in those genres, I’d definitely watch it!
Favorite movie? A movie I recently re-watched made me realize that it should be in my top fave movie list – The Departed. Not just because it has Leo, Mark & Matt (trifecta) but something about FBI informant drama is just hot. Yes, I went there!
What’s your favorite thing about Indian culture? Oh, I love everything! At the risk of sounding trite, I love how family-oriented Indians are. My family is my lifeline and I know that if I ever need anything, I can rely on them. They didn’t kick me out at 18 and maybe I’ve grown up sheltered, but I feel lucky that my family cares so much. This kind of love is deep, man. Hard to find in other cultures, methinks. Real talk.
What’s one piece of advice your parents have given you that should probably be or are abiding by? Don’t be a ho. HA, just kidding, they didn’t say that. They actually said: Always look out for yourself. I have a hard time because I definitely put others before myself (that’s the Indian, hospitable way!) but I’m slowly learning that it’s okay to stand up for myself… and nobody is going to think I’m a ‘beeyatch’ for doing so.
So are you a Good Indian Girl? Definitely. I try to represent myself the best way that I can, while trying to make sure my grandmother in India doesn’t flip because of my behavior 😉 (love you, dadi).
To learn more about Natasha’s org, please visit Combat Against Cancer. You can also follow Natasha Singh on Twitter @natashasingh or watch her awesome instructions in our How to Thread video.