India: The Modi Question is a two-part documentary film produced by BBC. The film feature prominent Indian activists and explores the political rise of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the impact of his policies on Indian society, particularly around the 2002 Gujarat riots.
The documentary takes a critical look at Modi’s leadership, examining his controversial past and his record in office, particularly around the implications of Modi’s Hindu nationalist ideology and his efforts to transform India into a more conservative and homogenous society.
In early January, the Information and Broadcasting Ministry of India invoked an emergency law to block a BBC documentary called India: The Modi Question, calling the film “blasphemous” and blocking all links to the film.
The ban on the BBC Modi documentary was met with criticism by many journalists and media outlets, who argued that the government’s decision was an attack on press freedom and an attempt to stifle critical reporting on the Indian government. The BBC also issued a statement expressing its disappointment at the ban and stating that it had complied with all relevant laws and regulations.
Critics of the Modi government accused the Indian government of attempting to silence critical reporting and using its power to control the media. The ban on the documentary also sparked a wider debate about press freedom in India and the challenges faced by journalists and media organizations when reporting on the government.
India: The Modi Question has been praised for its balanced and insightful analysis of Modi’s leadership. Some have also criticized it for being overly critical of Modi and his policies-and are saying it has a colonial lens.
Despite the controversy, the documentary contributes to the ongoing debate about Modi’s leadership and the future of Indian democracy. It is a must-watch for anyone interested in Indian politics and the country’s challenges in the 21st century.
Here’s where you can watch the film (but it’s only available in the UK. We will update this page if we can find a US-based link). Let us know what you think in the comments section.